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Students can get transportation to and from school by yellow bus or MetroCard. 

Eligibility for student transportation is based on several factors, including student's grade, walking distance from the school, and academic program. General education students must live a certain distance from school to get free transportation.

You can get information about school transportation online through your child's NYC Schools Account or by contacting your child’s school. For contact information, visit the School Finder page.

If schools are open, buses should be operating. You can get information about a delay of a particular bus online or by phone.


Learn more about student transportation.

By Phone

  • Agency: Department of Education
  • Division: Office of Pupil Transportation
  • Phone Number: (718) 392-8855
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 6 AM - 6 PM

General education students should contact their school for information about yellow bus transportation.


Look up information for a public school.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.




Eligibility for Transportation

General education school bus service is available in grades K - 6 only, for students who meet eligibility requirements. Students in grades 7 - 12 receive school bus service only under special circumstances. Most students use public transportation.

Transportation Exceptions

Transportation Exceptions allow students with special circumstances to get transportation, even if they live close to school. Visit the Office of Pupil Transportation's website at to review these services and complete the application or contact the students school.

Children in Temporary Housing

Students who have been placed in temporary housing receive free transportation, no matter how old they are or where they are living. This applies to all general and special education students in grades K-12.

The Department of Education provides assistance to students who have missed the public school bus to school.

  • Agency: Department of Education
  • Division: Office of Pupil Transportation
  • Phone Number: (718) 392-8855
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 6 AM - 6 PM

The City provides pre-kindergarten and Early Intervention yellow school bus service for students. Information about the school bus program is available by phone.

Call 311 for assistance.

Yellow Bus Driver Selection

Every new bus driver is subject to an extensive approval process, medical examination, three letters of reference, abstract of driving record/CDL driver's license, pre-employment drug test, physical performance examination, fingerprinting process, and specialized training.

Bus Driver and Attendant Responsibilities

The driver and attendant are responsible for monitoring student behavior on the bus. The attendant is responsible for giving first aid in emergency situations. The attendant is required to assist the child from the bus to the front door of the school.

Under City Administrative Codes, only special education students are required to wear seat belts.

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